Cyberdog Nation Server Wiki

The Server features a mall, serving as a staff-built commercial district in which players can build shops on plots to sell or buy Minecraft items in exchange for Dogcraft Dollars. This Mall Guide covers the process of renting and unrenting a mall plot.

The current iteration of the mall on the Survival 3 world can be accessed via the /mall command, or via /warp mall. Alternatively, it is accessible via a Survival Railway Network station on the West Line.

2019-05-21 12.21

Map of the Mall on Survival 3.

Mall Layout[]

The mall is laid out into eight districts, each of different colors. The mall is built atop an ocean such that plots can be built with both above water and underwater sections.

Pathways connect each plot to the center of the mall which is the location of the station and where the warp will take you. The station can be accessed via bubble columns here which you can walk into to be taken up or down to and from the station.